About Us

Thank you for visiting RivetingJourney.com. We, Karen and Carl Newton, began our full-time RVing lifestyle in May 2020, during the height of the Covid pandemic. Planning to full-time RV started several years before, and leaving was timed with selling our business and Carl officially retiring (not because of the pandemic…).

With our 2005 30-ft. Classic Airstream, we plan to visit the 48 contiguous states, Alaska (done during the summer of 2023), Hawaii (as full-time RVers, but leaving the Airstream behind and flying to the islands), and parts of Canada. The map on our door is slowly but surely filling up.

We downsized, stored miscellaneous items, rented our house, and hit the road. We have encountered all types of issues—equipment, scheduling, weather, and medical—and have taken on temporary work. Carl does a work-camping job during harvest near Fargo, ND. Karen performs book formatting work (BookLayoutPro.com) as well as writing posts and maintaining RivetingJourney.com.

We hope you enjoy our posts, pictures, and videos. And may your life journey be riveting!

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