Author - Karen Newton

Summer 2024 Recap – From Colorado to Minnesota

It is hard to believe that it is mid-August already, and we have been in Gary, Minnesota, for Carl’s work-camping job for about three weeks. He has been hauling manure to fields, corn to grain elevators, sugar beets to the piling station, and alfalfa to the dairy. He has also helped with a few miscellaneous projects around the silos. I have been working on several...

Rocky Mountain National Park and Need-to-Know Info

Snow-capped mountains, icy lakes, rivers and creeks, waterfalls and wildlife. Rocky Mountain National Park captures it all and more. We visited at the end of May, and there were sections of the park that were still not open because of snow – most notably, Trial Ridge Road and Old Fall River Road, both on the northern end of the park. In addition, Bear Lake—one of the...

Catching Up … A Three-Month Recap

I’m going to keep this as brief as I can. I have not been the best steward of updating our website with our travels. I’m much better at posting pictures through Instagram and Facebook, so I encourage you to follow me (Karen, aka Riveting Journey) on one of these sites if you want a more “real-time” connection to where we are located and what we are doing. We have...

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