Author - Karen Newton

2025 and All the Things

Happy New Year! Yes… We have a new look. Not only on the website but also with our travel wheels. A newer silver truck to pull our Airstream and, yes, a motorcycle (Carl’s post-mid-life crisis madness!). The beginning of January always seems to be pregnant with hopes, dreams, and possibilities. Some of us set resolutions or goals; others just are happy to have...

The Past 3 Months – Where, Pray Tell, Have We Been?

It seems I have gotten into a quarterly pattern of updating Riveting Journey with our whereabouts. Alas, I hope to do better as 2025 comes upon us. We have a few things planned for this next year, with one major component in flux. But before I share that information, let me update you on this year. Our last blog ended with us arriving in Gary, Minnesota for Carl to...

Summer 2024 Recap – From Colorado to Minnesota

It is hard to believe that it is mid-August already, and we have been in Gary, Minnesota, for Carl’s work-camping job for about three weeks. He has been hauling manure to fields, corn to grain elevators, sugar beets to the piling station, and alfalfa to the dairy. He has also helped with a few miscellaneous projects around the silos. I have been working on several...

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